Last login: Mon Mar 03 06:52:31 2025 +00:00
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pwd && eza -D ~/pages
site blog cat .
Hello world! This is my first ever actual blog post. I’ve just moved from SvelteKit and rewrote the entire site in Astro.
I am actually a little surprised I managed to come up with the design and the code to write this in mere 5 days. This is kind of an unthinkable task for me, as I always procrastinate and delay things for as much as possible. (partly due to depression.)
I might add webmention support later on.
Added webmention support! This currently trusts responses to be correct and not explode.
Also, link rot is real. When reading the multitude of docs for indieweb and microformats2, there are so many dead links lying around. at least the important content aren’t dead.
site blog cat --dynamic .
Loading webmentions...